Submit Your Data Card – Great NS Pick Me Up
After completing your clean-up, we appreciate hearing feedback about how it went. We’re always curious to learn about the types of items found, how many bags of garbage and recycling were collected, and more!
You can submit your data to us in two ways. Either mail in a hard copy data card or fill in the applicable online data card below. After you click submit, you should see a message confirming that your response was recorded successfully.
Contest Alert! Every data card submitted to us is automatically entered to win one of three great prize packs worth over $100.00!
Paper Submission
You can also submit a paper copy of the Data Card to:
Attention: Coastal Action
45 School Street
Mahone Bay B0J 2E0
Or, scan and email it to:
If you have any questions while completing your data card, please call our office at 902-802-6530. We will be happy to help you!